Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Quaky 'round these parts.


Vincent Waller said...

Rolling, rolling rolling

Sharon Spotbottom said...

shake n bake baby!

Anonymous said...

I'll take earthquakes over humidity any day of the week.

Holley T said...

that is an impressive sketch...I got slightly motion sick just looking at it!

_ said...


also: that mara story is freakin awesome! wow. does mara keep popping up after that incident - what was the conclusion, still chilling under your bed?

_ said...

right, also, that moon story - was that around the time of that maya calendar event thingy? someone sent me an email a month ago about some kinda significant change of world-type event to do with the mayan calendar (did someone already mention this in the comments...?)

Kenny P. said...

Vince: I dove for safety under Mike Bell!

Sharon: Gotta love L.A.

Sean: Me too-- as long as they are only 5.4 on the Richter Scale.

Holley: My drawings should come with a warning label.

Jack: Cooper told us that Mara "went home" and that she lives "far away" and that she wouldn't be coming back. He still mentions her from time to time, and once even said that she was still here. I haven't seen her, though.
And, as for the full moon, I'm not sure whether it coincided with anything that had to do with the Mayan calendar or not. Let me do a little research, though... I know that December 21st, 2012 is when the Mayan Calendar is supposed to end. That's fairly significant, I suppose.

_ said...

hey, i'm trying to find something on the mayan calendar thing for ya. it was supposed to be a "change" in the mayan calendar/universe (?) during june 21 (but this was before your moon moment, i think, right?) i could forward that email my cousin sent me, but it's in spanish.

david said...

hahhaaahha. where are his dentures.

Kenny P. said...

Jack: The full moon was on the 18th, I think. My spanish isn't very good, but it's worth a try...

David: That would have been a nice touch! Drat!

_ said...

well, here's part of it:

Mi petición es que los Trabajadores de la Luz de la Tierra unamos nuestro corazón al mediodía del sábado 21 de junio de 2.008, con la intención de cambiar a Gaia a su nueva forma de Amor, Unidad, Paz y Armonía.

Siéntase libres de utilizar el sonido, la oración, la visualización y la petición del corazón. Sólo entren en quietud en el corazón y oirán la nota que nos une a todos nosotros en el Amor Uno. Organicen grupos si es posible para reunirse en ese momento y ampliar la energía. "


probably has nothing to do with what you saw. but it does mention a whole bunch of harmony, tranquilty, unity. positive change in the energy of universe - whatever that is.

also: in terms of that guy's dentures, the earthquake took care of that, come on! a casualty.

becky said...

That earthquake was a trip, man! It was my first day in LA (well, I arrived the day before), so I felt like Southern California was a-givin' me a hearty welcome!