I wanted to finish my business and get the hell out of there so I wouldn't have to find out the answer to my question. So, I got into one of the two open checkout lines, and hoped for the best. I chose the one most distant from the booze aisle, but either way, I would have my back turned towards it. I didn't want to make myself obvious by turning around to look, so I tried to find reflections so I could anticipate any attack that might be coming, but I couldn't find any. I held my knife in my pocket, ready to flip it open and slash at throats if it came to that, while hoping that the line would just move quickly. And of course, OF COURSE, the lady in front of me had a coupon for Cheerios, but the size of the boxes she had selected did not meet the strict requirements of the damned coupon. So, the helpful checkout person offered to go retrieve some boxes of the correct size. She trotted off, and I was left a sitting duck.
Meanwhile, the gang-creatures had (thankfully) chosen the other line, and I overheard the checkout lady there saying that she couldn't sell them alcohol because they already appeared to be drunk. (Oh good, poke the monster with a stick, why don't you.) So, the dude starts getting belligerent, and accusing the checkout lady of discrimination and loudly proclaiming his pride at being a "Gangster." As he and his companion walked over to the line I was stranded in, he was saying what a "dumb bitch" the checkout lady was, and how they should just walk out with the case of beer, and angry, threatening stuff like that. By that time, I think I was paying for the bunnies, so I expected SOMETHING to happen since my interaction with the cashier was really the only activity in the store at that moment.
But, luckily, SOMETHING didn't happen, and I walked out of there pitying the Cheerios-retriever that I had just paid, and wondering how she was going to handle the menace. Maybe being mistaken for a cop doesn't hurt in situations like that. I wondered if I should call the real cops as I left, but I didn't.
Sorry there was no payoff to the story, but at the same time, I'm really glad that it didn't get any more interesting than it already was.
Yikes - scary story! Fucking creeps.
well written, BAD story, glad nothing happened.
sad...the reality is, 'stuff' does happen every day. most of the time we don't even hear about it.
I lost my dog yesterday and nothing has been able to cheer, up but I laughed out loud at this. I know you werent thinking it was funny at the time, but your description of the story was totally hilarious. Also, I'm glad you werent shanked :)
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