I've been trying to decide exactly how to portray the current financial crisis in one drawing, but it's a little too complex. Here is one aspect of it.
May I recommend a website that I've found to be a good resource to you? It's not totally devoted to financial goings-on-- it's got a smattering of...uh...other stuff, too. It's called cryptogon.com
oh man! great image! haha, man, should i laugh or cry, though..?
This story -> (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article4810644.ece) reminds me of your moat post which is actually relevant to this discussion. I wonder when American workers will start doing the same thing? We should go after the bankers first.
... another good one (from the UK) is The Sideshow, many contributors in a digest format.
Hahaha! This drawing is hilarious!
Ha! Another great fucking drawing!
Jack: Thanks! I think cry...
Blog Trotter: The link got cut off, but I have a feeling I can guess what the article is about. I'd still like to read it, though. And, thanks for remembering the Moat drawing!
Professor: Thanks for the link! I will bookmark it.
Sharon: I know you are, but what am I?
Ryan: Laughter is the best medicine.
Chris: Thanks! Too bad the situation it portrays is such a bummer.
Vincent: You are a kind and gentle man.
I thought this cartoon summed things up nicely...
Adam: Ooh, that is a good one.
Have you heard of a book called The Creature from Jekyll Island? It's a bit light on the conspiracy stuff (though it's focus, the creation of the Federal Reserve, is essentially a conspiracy), and really heavy on the details of how the system works, why it's bad, and why it's doomed to fail. I'm skeptical sometimes of whether or not these events are orchestrated purposefully, though it sure does seem like it sometimes :(
i am addicted to consumerist.com these days.
Dustin: I have indeed heard of that book. I think that if more people knew how the Federal Reserve works, and what it is (it's NOT part of the federal government, for example) they'd be angry. Or, they wouldn't-- it seems the American people are very good at absorbing vast amounts of abuse and forgetting about it.
Tina: Ooooh, thanks for the link!
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