Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Umbrella of Reason

Phew! What a relief! There was no nuclear war yesterday (none that I noticed, anyway). But, even so, I'll keep my little umbrella of reason open. Though it may not protect me from falling bombs, it will definitely keep me dry from the ever-present storm of religious bullshit.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, refer to the post from September 1st.


Anonymous said...

I gotta get me one o' those, man! 'Twood protect me from all those nutters. What gets me is all those religious people that relish in other people's eventual going-to-hell. That gets me.

Patrick Morgan said...

Great stuff as usual Kenny. Glad you got your Blog going. Great seeing you at Nick. I linked you on my blog. Take care.

Sharon Spotbottom said...

and a fine bullshit umbrella it is.

Anonymous said...

The umbrella also comes in handy for poop thrown off 3rd story apartment buildings.

Anonymous said...

But aren't you worried about the upcoming Rapture? It's overdue you know - by about a thousand years or so.