Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Scat Chat

I think it's funny when I'm in a public restroom and I hear people talking on their cell phones while they're pooping. What do they say when the person on the other end of the line asks, "Hey man, what are you doing?" Ha ha! What about defecation-related background noise? How does one explain that away? "Oh, um, listen to those ducks will you!"


Sharon Spotbottom said...

Oh my stars, i experienced hearing someone chatting in a stall for the first time the other day! i am unsure if scat was involved but dinner plans were made.

Anonymous said...

Scat chat can be useful. The sure fire way to get rid of a telemarketers fast is to pretend that you're taking a dump as they start their spiel.

Holley T said...

The patrons at my library feel they are doing a public service by taking their telephone calls in the bathroom, but I just find it annoying to go to the ladies' room and find someone just standing in there having a conversation. I deliberately try to get any business done as loudly as possible, throwing in several flushes during pauses in the conversation. It's my duty as a citizen of the world.

Anonymous said...

Or the plop-plops. "I'm just takin' an alka-seltzer."

Anonymous said...

Lol People say the craziest stuff in stalls. lol It's funny when they talk about math.