I had done a VERY hideous drawing of a VERY hideous rotting Krabby Patty awhile back for an upcoming SpongeBob episode, and during the editing process it was decided that they needed an EVEN MORE HIDEOUS drawing of an even more hideous rotting Krabby Patty.
I didn't think it was possible, but I took it as a challenge.
I can proudly tell you that the new drawing turned my stomach a few times as I was working on it. I wish I could show it to you, but what with copyright infringement and all, I'd better not. It was WAY more disgusting than this. WAAAAY.
Brings a proud tear to my bleeding eye.
Brings blood to my tearing eye!
I'm tryin' to visualize a really gross rotting hamburger drawling. Okay, I think I'm seeing it. Yeah, I'm seeing it cuz i'm feeling a little sick, yeah. Alrighty, cool, man, cool.
i really want to see that krabby patty. can you tell us the name of the episode?
"To Love a Patty." But, you didn't hear that from me.
Duuuudeee, after watching 'WigStruck', I never, ever want to eat another burger of any kind again! It could be the latest in dieting: watch a SB episode with disgusting patties and never eat fast food!
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