I was trying to figure out what to draw/write about today, and since nothing is happening, I was stumped. Then it occurred to me that what at first appeared to be a vast Nothingness surrounding me was actually a vast Potentiality.
We'll see what happens...
that's a good rock/mountain. rocks are hard to draw (for me at least)
You are Yoda.
Is he teeterin' or totterin'?
I likes the nice ivy-leaves cuz those illustrate the potentialities and the like. Sorta like when you gets and idear and it just sits there, evolving and evolving in your preconscious mind and you think to yourself: "do I wanna drag this thing into consciousness, where it'll inevitably lose some of its life and vitality or let it roam free in the transpersonal realm?" Some advantages 2 both. Sorry for the blather.
Ryan: It's my job ;)
Sharon: It's only my green pallor that makes you say that.
Dom: Definitely Tottering.
Becky: Damn good blather...keep it coming!
Its that whole potential energy thing eh? Time to turn it into kinetic energy... I like it! Clever.
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