It's just this sort of thing that gave me the reputation as "The Guy Who Draws Poop." I know that excrement is a big part of my oeuvre, but if you look back through the archives you'll see that the overwhelming majority of my drawings do not contain any stool. It's interesting then, that I'm not known as "The Guy Who Draws Faces" or something like that, because the drawings of faces far outnumber the drawings of feces. I guess the face is something we take for granted, though. We see hundreds of the damn things every day. Dung, however, is special. Poo-sightings are fairly rare anywhere outside the toilet bowl.
Anyway, poop is still funny.
P.S. Here's another one which illustrates the point a little better, or something:

You speak like a Guru of poo-poo
Actually, poop sightings can be pretty frequent if you have a cat and an Oriental rug. Yesiree!
Poopism is an avant-garde art movement, spanning from the late 19th to the early 21st century, that has revolutionized personal painting and sculpture, and inspired related movements in music and literature. In poopist artworks, objects are broken up, involuntarily constricted and relaxed, analyzed, then re-assembled in a compacted form — instead of depicting objects from many viewpoints, the artist depicts the subject from a tapered perspective to present the piece in a sphincteral context. The background and object planes interpenetrate one another peristaltically to create the fecal space characteristic of poopism.
Leading artists of the movement include Kenny Pittenger, John Kricfalusi, Pere Ubu and Frank Zappa.
source: 'My 15 Minutes of Strain' by Andy Warhole
Oh, that's strange! The title of my very own blog entry for today was "Poopist." That was before I'd read the excellent essay on the topic of Poopism. Weird, man, weird.
Thanks, Becky! My essay was inspired by the fine example of Kenny's prodigious oeuvre.
What's the link to your blog? I'd like to study Poopism further. ;)
Actually, all the other artists in the towny town are known as "the guys who don't draw poop".
got to the last sheet on the post-it pad, eh? I know what to look for...
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