When they ask, "Where do you see yourself in 10 years?" I can show them this.
Sorry for the erratic posting lately. Things at work are hectic (I'm putting the final touches on that song sequence I'm art-directing-- among other things). And, Taffy's disappearance has me all messed up, too. Speaking of which, we got a call yesterday afternoon from a kid saying he'd seen a cockatiel in the trees at his junior high school (which is about a mile south of our house). So, we checked it out and didn't see him, but I spent a couple hours hanging posters in the area anyway. Maybe he's still out there!
Are you running to catch a partridge in that tree?
Taffy in a pear tree.
Oh, wow, that's hopeful, the cockatiel sighting. I'll keep on keeping my fingers crossed.
Where do I see myself in 10 years? I hate it when people ask that. Why do they always ask that??? That question is too scary to answer. I like your answer: sort of Garden of Eden-ish. That's nice.
great jungle foliage & hilarious answer to their question
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